
Open Access
The treatment of adult scoliosis utilizing the SpineCor Dynamic Corrective Brace
L Marcotte*, C Coillard, P Dion and CH Rivard
Address Posturetek 2823 Boulevard Rosemont Montreal, Quebec, HIY 11.6 Canada
Email: l.marcotte* -
* Corresponding author
from 6th International Conference on Conservative Management of Spinal Deformities
Lyon, France 21-23 May 2009
Published: 14 December 2009
Scoliosis 2009. 4(Suppl 2):052 doi:10.1186/1748-7161 -4-S2-052
This abstract is available from:
© 2009 Marcotte et al; Lincensee Biomed Central Ltd.
Scoliosis and spinal deformities offer little hope for rehabilitation in the adult population. Pain and viscerasomatic dysfunction are frequently encountered, and conventional medical care uses rigid bracing, medication and surgery in the most serious cases. The treatment of adult scoliosis with The Spina:or" Dynamic Corrective Brace deserves more attention. It offers a great variety of combinations to improve spinal alignment and posture, and depending on the curve type, its severity and rigidity. The main therapeutic goal is to reduce pain and the strain on the neuromusculoskeletal system. The brace acts as a dynamic support against compressive loading on the inter -vertebral joints, while creating a corrective movement in the spine which produces neuromuscular integration.
Seventy three adult scoliosis patients, 63 females and 10 males (ages between 18 and 93 years), with Cobb angles of 15° to 93 ' and curves of all types and many different etiologies, were fitted with a SpineCor Brace.
Of the 65 who have actively been wearing the SpineCors Brace between 10 to 154 hrs/week, 29 have seen complete resolution of their symptoms while in the brace, 14 of which originally had a Numerical Pain Scale (NPS) of 5/ 10 and over. Although the brace had little effect on the curve itself, especially in older patients, and while there
has been 1 reported case of aggravation in leg radiculopathy, we found an overall 60% improvement in the pain status of these patients who have been actively wearing their brace.
These results suggest that the SpineCo? Dynamic Corrective Brace is a promising conservative method for the treatment of scoliosis
in the adult population, as it improves the pain status and wellbeing of patients_
Please contact our office for a complimentary Xray review and consultation to see if our scoliosis treatment and scoliosis soft bracing is a good fit for you.

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