Medical Rehabilitation 2008. 12 (2) 1-6
The early results of the treatment of idiopathic scoliosis using the dynamic SpineCor brace
Wczesne wyniki Ieczenia skolioz idiopatycznych z zastosowaniem gorsetu dynamicznego SpineCor
Tomasz Potaczek (A,B,C,D,E,F), Maja Zarzycka (A,B,C,D,E,F), Ewa Lipik (A,D,E,F),Barbara Jasiewicz (B,F), Michat Zarzycki (B), Anna Kokot (C,F)
Department of Orthopaedic Surgery and Rehabilitation. Medical College, Jagiellonian University. Poland
Key words
idiopathic scoliosis, conservative treatment, dynamic brace
Introdcution: Idiopathic scoliosis is a three-dimensional deformation of the spine. Treatment of this condition depends on many factors, with curve magnitude (Cobb angle) and skeletal maturity (Risser sign) being the most important indices. In progressing curves of <40°, bracing is recommended. Different types of braces are available, most of them are of a rigid type. The SpineCor dynamic brace is a system of elastic bands designed to directly correct the spinal column deformity without restricting motion of the spine.
Aim of the paper: The aim of this paper is to present early results of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis treatment with the SpineCor brace.
Material and methods: Inclusion criteria for brace the application included the presence of a progressing curve in a skeletally immature child (Risser 0 — 3). The SpineCor brace was applied according to the principles of the method. The study group comprised 42 patients: 36 girls, 6 boys. The mean age at brace application was 11.9 years. The mean follow-up was 11 months. The mean initial curve size in the whole group was 33.1° in the thoracic spine and 29.4° in the lumbar spine. The evaluated group was subsequently divided into different subgroups depending on: initial curve size, curve type and sex. Results were classified as correction (decrease of curve site of 0=5.), stablisation (curve change +/- 5°) or progression (increase of curve size of >=5°).
Results: Mean curve size at die final follow-up was 293° in the thoracic spine and 25.5° in the lumbar spine. Twenty one patients improved (50%), 14 had curve stabilisation (33.3%) and 7 progressed (16.6%). The best results were achieved in curves lower than 25° Cobb angle (p < 0.05) - 60% of patients improved. In contrast, in the over-45° group, only 37.5% of patients unproved. No significant differences were found between treatment results with regard to sex.
Conclusion: SpineCor brace seems to be a good alternative for rigid braces, especially in minor curves. It enables preservation of motion of the spine. This type of brace is easily accepted by young patients. Further follow-up is needed to present long-term results.
Please contact our office for a complimentary Xray review consultation to see if our scoliosis treatment and scoliosis soft bracing is a good fit for your child.

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Highlands Ranch, CO 80129
Phone: 303-683-5155
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