Sarchioto Scoliosis 2013, 8(Suppl 1):P11

Open Access
First experiences in the treatment of juveniles and idiopathic scoliosis with SpineCor braces
A Sarchioto
From 9th International Conference on Conservative Management of Spinal Deformities - SOSORT 2012 Annual Meeting Milan, Italy. 10-12 May 2012
The standardized treatment of juvenile, and adolescent, idiopathic scoliosis is accepted everywhere: physiother-apy for curves until 15-20° Cobb, rigid brace between 20 and 30-35° Cobb, cast between 30 and 40-45° Cobb and surgery over 45° Cobb.
The aim of this work is to verify the efficacy and effectiveness of the SpineCor dynamic brace, in juvenile and adolescent idiopathic scoliosis with curves between 20 and 50° Cobb.
All patients (range of age 5 to 15 years) were treated with a SpineCor dynamic brace. All braces were ordered, fitted and used, following the standard canons of the appropriate procedure. A photographic control was carried out, just after fitting, a clinical control in a month, a clinical and photographic in three months, and a clinical, photographic and radiographic in six months.
Over 90% of patients had a very important change in their posture and cosmetic appearance. None of them left the treatment.
The SpineCor dynamic brace used is efficient and effective. Because it does not limit any movement, and allows practicing all sports, (but swimming), and dams and since it is virtually invisible under clothing, no patient has complained of the treatment. Both patients and parents were
satisfied. This good result allows, and encourages, as to continue in using this brace.
Published: 3 June 2013
1. Collard C. Circo A, Rivard A new concept for the .n-invasive treatment of Adolescent idiopathic Scollosts: the Correct. Movement principle integrated in the SpineCor System. Disabil Rehabil Assist Technal 2008, 3(3):112-119
2. Vachon V. C C. Zabjel K. Rhalmi S. Rivard C-H: Analyse de survle dune cohorte de 365 patients scoliotiques traitAtss par le corset SpineCor A.
IHA Pital Sainte-Justine; 2006
Cite this article as: Sarchioto: First experience in the treatment of juvenile and idiopathic scoliosis with SpineCor braces. Scoliosis 2013 8(Suppl 1):P11.
Please contact our office for a complimentary Xray review consultation to see if our scoliosis treatment and scoliosis soft bracing is a good fit for your child.
ASL BN1, Benevento, Italy

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