© Polish Orthopedics and Traumatology, 2013; 78: 85-89
Original Article
Clinical assessment of the efficacy of SpineCor brace in the correction of postural deformities in the course of idiopathic scoliosis
Received: 2013.02.11
Accepted 2013.02.28
Published 2013.03.26
Barbara Plewka', Marcin Sibinski2, Marek Synder'. Dariusz WitonskP, Katarzyna Kotodziejczyk-Klimek',Michaf Plewka4
- Pediatric Rehabilitation Department, Voieodship Centre for Orthopedics and Rehabilitation of Motor Organs, lddg Poland
- Clinic of Orthopedics and Pediatric Orthopedics, Medical University of todi, Oa Poland
- Clinical Department of Reconstruction and Arthroscopic Knee Surgery, Medical University of Lodz, Lodz, Poland
- Faculty and Clinic of Cardiology, Medical University of Oct, Oa Poland
Background: The objective of the study was to perform a clinical, comparative assessment of the degree of pos-tural deformities before and after the treatment of idiopathic scoliosis in patients treated with SpineCar brace compared to the control group.
Material/Method: A group of 90 children with idiopathic scoliosis (including 74 girls) at the average age of 12.2 was subject to prospective observation. Average pre-treatment Cobb angle was 24.9° in the thoracic spine and 25.8' in the lumbar spine. The group actively treated with the SpineCor brace consist-ed of 45 children, while the control group consisted of the remaining 45 children with the natu-ral course of the disease.
Results: Both groups did not differ significantly in terms of age, gender, height, body weight, Risser sign of skeletal maturity and baseline clinical and radiological parameters of scoliosis. Significant reduc-tion of rib hump was observed upon 2year SpineCor brace treatment (P=0.04) compared to the group treated tyv physiotherapy only (P=0.91). Similarly, improvement in lumbar prominence was observed in the actively treated group (P-4).009), with a trend towards worse results in the control group (P=0.07) In the group treated with the SpineCor brace, significant reduction in pectoral and hamstring muscle contractures as well as reduction in shoulder asymmetry and reduction in anterior and posterior vertical deviation were observed.
Conlcusion: Treatment using the SpineCor dynamic brace leads to a clinical improvement in posture, particu-larly to reduction in rib bump, lumbar prominence and muscular contractures.
Please contact our office for a complimentary Xray review consultation to see if our scoliosis treatment and scoliosis soft bracing is a good fit for your child.

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