Ortopedia Traumatologia Rehabilitaja
© MEDSPORTPRESS, 2013; 3(6); Vol. 15, 227-234
DOI: 10.5604/15093492.1058414
Radiological Evaluation of Treatment with SpineCor Brace in Children with Odiopathic Spinal Scoliosis
Barbara Plewka1 (A,B,C,D,E,F,G), Marcin Sibinsky2 (B,D,E,F), Marek Synder2 (B,D,E,F), Dariusz Witonsky3 (B,D,E,F), Katarzyna Koldziejczyk-Klimek1 (A,B,D,E,FG), Michal Plewka4 (A,B,D,E,F)
1Oddzial Rehabilitaj dla Dzieci, WOjewodzkie Centrum Ortopedii I Rehabilitacji Narzadu Ruchu
2Klinika Ortopedii I Ortopedii Dzieciecej Uniwersyteu Medycznego, Lodz
3Oddzial Kiliniczny Chinurgii Rekonstukcyjnej I Atroskopowej Stawu Kolanowego Uniwersytetu Medycznego, Lodz
dKtedra I Klinika Kardiologii Uniwersytetu Medycznego, Lodz
1Rehabilitation Deaprtment for Children, Z. Radlinski Hostpial Lodz
2Clinic of Orthopaedics and Paediatric Orthopaedic Medical University of Lodz, Poland
3Department of Reconstructive Surgery and Arthroscopy of the Knee, Medical Uinversity of Lodz, Pland
4Clinic of Cardiology medical University of Lodz. Polan
Background. This paper reports on a radiological evaluation of the outcomes of treatment with the SpineCor brace in children with idiopathic spinal scoliosis vs. a control group who had only received 24 months of rehabilitation. The compliance of the SpineCor-treated patients with medical instructions was also smeared.
Material and methods. A prospective evaluation encompassed a group of forty (40) children, treated with a SpineCor brace for idiopathic scoliosis. A control group included forty (40) children who were followed up. The mean age of the children was 12.0 years and sixty-six (666) of the patients were girls. The study group and the control group were comparable in terms of demographic data and radiological parameters of scoliosis. The mean scoliosis angle was 25.3' and 26.1 in the thoracic and lumbar spine, respectively.
Results. In the (SpineCor-treated) study group, stabilisation or improvement of the scoliosis was obtained in 31 (78%) patients, while progression was noted in 9 (22%). In the control group, stabilisation was found in 21 (53%) patients and progression in 19 (47%), while none of the children met improvement criteria. In the brace-treated group, a smaller change in the thoracic curvature angle was observed (R=0.34, p=0.0001) than in the control group, while no such difference was identified at the lumbar spine level (R,0.15, p=0.18). Out of the 40 treated children, 38 used the brace regularly. Four of the children were active m sports above recreation level.
Conclusions. The treatment of idiopathic. spinal scoliosis in children by means of the SpineCor dynamic brace solution significantly more frequently led to stabilisation or correction of scoliosis as measured by Cobb's angle. A high compliance children and their parents was also observed.
Key words: idiopathic scoliosis, SpineCor brace, conservative treatment, results, radiography
Please contact our office for a complimentary Xray review consultation to see if our scoliosis treatment and scoliosis soft bracing is a good fit for your child.

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